227 research outputs found

    The Dimer Model for k-phase Organic Superconductors

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    We prove that the upper electronic bands of k-phase BEDT-TTF salts are adequately modeled by an half-filled tight-binding lattice with one site per cell. The band parameters are derived from recent ab-initio calculations, getting a very simple but extremely accurate one-electron picture. This picture allows us to solve the BCS gap equation adopting a real-space pairing potential. Comparison of the calculated superconducting properties with the experimental data points to isotropic s_0-pairing. Residual many-body or phonon-mediated interactions offer a plausible explanation of the large variety of physical properties observed in k-phase BEDT-TTF salts.Comment: 8 pages, 6 PostScript figures, uses RevTe


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    A chegada da China à periferia em desenvolvimento, com uma agenda política e econômica abrangente,inaugura um novo estágio na projeção internacional chinesa e no próprio sistema mundial. Quais são osobjetivos dessa Novíssima China em termos de política internacional? Não são poucos os que identificamnas ações chinesas aspirações ambiciosas de dominação mundial, sucedendo os Estados Unidos comoliderança do planeta. Em uma manifestação que beira a sinofobia (como outrora o “perigo amarelo”),argumentam que seu desenvolvimento almeja concentrar a riqueza mundial em suas mãos, quebrando coma economia das demais nações. Tomando como base as relações estabelecidas com o continente africano,defendemos a hipótese de que Pequim inaugura uma nova etapa na grande política internacional e suplantaa fase em que a Nova China lutava para recuperar sua soberania e desenvolvimento, começando a NovíssimaChina a transformar o próprio sistema mundial. Para tal, argumentamos que a China busca evitar ashegemonias, tanto a dos Estados Unidos como a dela própria, pois nesse último caso, poderia ter a mesmasorte que a Alemanha nas duas guerras mundiais. Não se trata de uma tarefa fácil, pois a China move-se emmeio à fluidez diplomática do período posterior à Guerra Fria e ao envelhecimento do capitalismocontemporâneo em seus centros históricos

    Feature-based multi-class classification and novelty detection for fault diagnosis of industrial machinery

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    Given the strategic role that maintenance assumes in achieving profitability and competitiveness, many industries are dedicating many efforts and resources to improve their maintenance approaches. The concept of the Smart Factory and the possibility of highly connected plants enable the collection of massive data that allow equipment to be monitored continuously and real-time feedback on their health status. The main issue met by industries is the lack of data corresponding to faulty conditions, due to environmental and safety issues that failed machinery might cause, besides the production loss and product quality issues. In this paper, a complete and easy-to-implement procedure for streaming fault diagnosis and novelty detection, using different Machine Learning techniques, is applied to an industrial machinery sub-system. The paper aims to offer useful guidelines to practitioners to choose the best solution for their systems, including a model hyperparameter optimization technique that supports the choice of the best model. Results indicate that the methodology is easy, fast, and accurate. Few training data guarantee a high accuracy and a high generalization ability of the classification models, while the integration of a classifier and an anomaly detector reduces the number of false alarms and the computational time

    Symmetrized mean-field description of magnetic instabilities in k-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu[N(CN)]_2 Y salts

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    We present a novel and convenient mean-field method, and apply it to study the metallic/antiferromagnetic interface of k-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu[N(CN)]_2 Y organic superconductors (BEDT_TTF is bis-ethylen-dithio-tetrathiafulvalene, Y=Cl, Br). The method, which fully exploits the crystal symmetry, allows one to obtain the mean-field solution of the 2D Hubbard model for very large lattices, up to 6x10^5 sites, yielding a reliable description of the phase boundary in a wide region of the parameter space. The metal/antiferromagnet transtion appears to be second order, except for a narrow region of the parameter space, where the transition is very sharp and possibly first order. The cohexistence of metallic and antiferromagnetic properties is only observed for the transient state in the case of smooth second order transitions. The relevance of the present resaults to the complex experimental behavior of centrosymmetric k-phase BEDT-TTF salts is discussed.Comment: 9 pages in PS format, 7 figures (included in PS), 1 tabl

    BEDT-TTF organic superconductors: the entangled role of phonons

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    We calculate the lattice phonons and the electron-phonon coupling of the organic superconductor \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2 I_3, reproducing all available experimental data connected to phonon dynamics. Low-frequency intra-molecular vibrations are strongly mixed to lattice phonons. Both acoustic and optical phonons are appreciably coupled to electrons through the modulation of the hopping integrals (e-LP coupling). By comparing the results relevant to superconducting \kappa- and \beta-(BEDT-TTF)_2 I_3, we show that electron-phonon coupling is fundamental to the pairing mechanism. Both e-LP and electron-molecular vibration (e-MV) coupling are essential to reproduce the critical temperatures. The e-LP coupling is stronger, but e-MV is instrumental to increase the average phonon frequency.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figures. Published version, with Ref. 17 corrected after publicatio

    The largest prehistoric mound in Europe is the Bronze-Age Hill of Udine (Italy) and legend linked its origin to Attila the Hun

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    Prehistoric monuments often constitute evident landmarks and sometimes, after falling into disuse, fascinated local people enough to stimulate speculations about their origin over time. According to legend, the Hill of Udine (NE Italy) was built by Attila the Hun's soldiers, but its origin (natural or anthropogenic) has been debated until now. Our research analyzed five new 40-m long stratigraphic cores, investigating for the first time the total thickness of the hill and compared the data with the available archaeological information. Moreover, we considered other hills and mounds in northern Italy and other European regions where folklore traditions relate their origin to Attila. The geoarchaeological and ethnographic data prove that the Hill of Udine is a Bronze Age anthropogenic mound erected between 1400 and 1150 BCE and that, later, folklore has transformed the ancestral memory of its origin into legend. By measuring 30 m in height and over 400,000 m(3) in volume, the flat-topped hill is the largest prehistoric mound in Europe. This discovery reveals unprecedented skills in earth construction and confirms significant anthropogenic modifications of the environment during Bronze Age

    Hepatitis B virus-infection related cryoglobulinemic vasculitis. Clinical manifestations and the effect of antiviral therapy: A review of the literature

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    Objective: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection causes chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Furthermore, about 20% of the patients develop extrahepatic manifestations such as cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (CV), polyarteritis nodosa, non-rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. This review analyzed literature data on clinical manifestations of HBV-related CV and the impact of antiviral therapy with analoques nucleotide. Methods: A PubMed search was performed to select eligible studies in the literature, up to July 2022. Results: Some studies have analyzed clinical manifestations in HBV-related CV and have investigated the role of antiviral therapy with nucleotides analogues (NAs). Clinical manifestations of CV vary from mild to moderate (purpura, asthenia and arthralgias) to severe (leg ulcers, peripheral neuropathy, glomerulonephritis, and non-Hodking lymphoma). NAs therapy leads to suppression of HBV-DNA; therefore, it is capable of producing clinical response in the majority of patients with mild to moderate symptoms. Conclusion: Antiviral therapy with NAs is the first choice for HBV suppression and control of mild to moderate disease. In severe vasculitis (glomerulonephritis, progressive peripheral neuropathy and leg ulcers), rituximab alone or with plasma-exchange is always indicated in combination with antiviral therapy

    Efeito da soja Bt sobre a frequência e densidade populacional de pragas e predadores.

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    Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar comparativamente a frequência e a densidade populacional acumulada de insetos fitófagos e de artrópodes predadores, em campos de soja não-transgênica, RR e Bt

    Densidade de pragas e inimigos naturais em resposta ao tratamento de sementes de soja com inseticidas.

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    Objetivo: avaliar o efeito do tratamento de sementes de soja com inseticidas químicos sobre a frequência densidade populacional diária acumulada de insetos-praga e artrópodes predadores da parte aérea da soja ao longo do desenvolvimento da cultura